Book Chapters
- Qing Chang*, Yang Li, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao, 2016, “Event-based Modeling for Battery Manufacturing Systems Using Sensor Data,” Chapter 3 of Battery Manufacturing, Service and Management Systems, IEEE Press Series on Systems Science and Engineering, Jingshan Li, Shiyu Zhou and Yehui Han Ed., John Wiley & Sons.
Selected Refereed Journal Articles
For more up-to-date publications from Intelligent Systems Lab, please check out Google Scholar page.
Waseem, M. and Q. Chang, "Adaptive Mobile Robot Scheduling in Multiproduct Flexible Manufacturing Systems Using Reinforcement Learning". Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2023: p. 1-37. DOI: 10.1115/1.4062941
Waseem, M., C. Li, and Q. Chang, "Dynamic modeling and analysis of multi-product flexible production line". International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2023: p. 1-15. DOI:
Jing Huang, Qing Chang*, and Jorge Arinez, “Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Preventive Maintenance Policy for Serial Production Lines,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol 160, DOI:
Jing Zou, Qing Chang*, and Jorge Arinez, “Analysis of Downtime Transient Impact for Energy Efficient Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE Access, Vol 8, PP 124020-124031, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3006088.
Xinyan Ou, Qing Chang* and N. Chakraborty, "A Method Integrating Q-Learning With Approximate Dynamic Programming for Gantry Work Cell Scheduling," IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2020.2984739
Xinyan Ou, Jing Huang, Qing Chang, and Jorge Arinez, "First Time Quality Diagnositics and Improvement through Data Analysis: A Study of a Crankshaft Line," Procedia Manufacturing, Vol 49, 2-8, 2020.
J. Zhang, H. Liu, Q. Chang, L. Wang, and R. Gao, 2020, “Recurrent Neural Network for Motion Trajectory Prediction in Human-Robot Collaborative Assembly”, CIRP Ann., 69(1), 2020.
Tian Yu, Cheng Zhu, Qing Chang*, J. Wang, “Imperfect Corrective Maintenance Scheduling for Energy Efficient Manufacturing Systems Through Online Task Allocation Method,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 53, 282-290, 2019.
Jing Zou, Qing Chang, Xinyan Ou, Jorge Arinez, Guoxian Xiao, "Resilient Adaptive Control Based on Renewal Particle Swarm Optimization to Improve Production System Energy Efficiency," Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 50, 135-145, 2019.
Xinyan Ou, Qing Chang*, Nilanjan Chakraborty, “Simulation Study on Reward Function of Reinforcement Learning in Gantry Work Cell Scheduling,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 50, 1-8, 2019. DOI:
Yang Li, JQ Wang, Qing Chang*, “Event-Based Production Control for Energy Efficiency Improvement in Sustainable Multistage Manufacturing Systems” ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 141 (2), 021006, 2019.
Jing Huang, Qing Chang*, Jing Zou, Jorge Arinez, “A Real-time Maintenance Policy for Multi-stage Manufacturing Systems Considering Imperfect Maintenance Effect,” IEEE Access, PP(99): 1-1: 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2876024
Jing Zou, Qing Chang*, Jorge Arinez, Guoxian Xiao, “Analysis and Evaluation of Control Action End-State Impact on Manufacturing System Future Production,” IEEE Access, (2018), Vol 6, Issue 1, pp 60187-60197, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2875331
Jing Zou, Qing Chang*, Yong Lei, Jorge Arinez, “Event-based Modeling and Analysis of Sensor Enabled Networked Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, (2018), Vol 15, Issue 4, pp 1930-1945, DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2018.2861837.
Jing Zou, Qing Chang*, Jorge Arinez, Guoxian Xiao, “Production Performance Prognostics through Model-based Analytical Method and Recency-weighted Stochastic Approximation Method,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 47 (2018) 107-114.
Michael P. Brundage, William Z Bernstein, Steven Hoffenson, Qing Chang, Hidetaka Nishi, Timothy Kliks, KC Morris, “Analyzing Environmental Sustainability Methods for Use Earlier in the Product Lifecycle,” Journal of Cleaner Production, 187 (2018), 877-892.
Xinyan Ou, Qing Chang*, Jorge Arinez, Jing Zou, “Gantry Work Cell Scheduling through Reinforcement Learning with Knowledge-guided Reward Setting,” IEEE Access, 6 (2018), 14699-14709. (doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2800641)
Xinyan Ou, Qing Chang*, Jing Zou, Jorge Arinez, Guoxian Xiao, “Modeling and Performance Diagnostics of Composite Work Cells with Gantries,”, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2017, doi: 10.1109/TASE.2017.2762340.
Xinyan Ou, Jorge Arinez, Qing Chang*, Jing Zou, “Performance Analysis of Composite Work Cell with a Gantry and System Reconfiguration,” Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 45 (2017) 212-221.
Xinyan Ou, Qing Chang*, Nilanjan Chakraborty, Junfeng Wang, “Gantry Scheduling for Multi-Gantry Production System by Online Task Allocation Method,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, Vol. 2, Issue 4, pp 1848-1855, 2017. doi: 10.1109/LRA.2017.2710259.
Jing Zou, Qing Chang*, Jorge Arinez, Guoxian Xiao, “Data-driven Modeling and Real-time Distributed Control for Energy Efficient Manufacturing Systems,” Energy, Vol. 127, page 247-257, 2017. doi:
Jing Zou, Qing Chang*, Jorge Arinez, Guoxian Xiao, Yong Lei, “Dynamic Production System Diagnosis and Prognosis Using Model-based Data-driven Method,” Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 80, pp 200-209, 2017.doi:
Xinyan Ou, Jorge Arinez, Qing Chang*, and Guxian Xiao, “Cost Analysis and Fuzzy Control for Collapsible Container Usage Based on Closed-loop Supply Chain Models,” ASME Transaction JMSE, 139(8), 081005, 2017.
Yang Li*, Qirong Tang, Qing Chang, Michael P. Brundage, “An Event-based analysis of condition-based maintenance decision-making in multistage production systems,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 55, Issue 16, pp 4753-4764, 2017. Doi: 10.1080/00207543.2017.1292063.
Jing Zou, Qing Chang*, Yong Lei, Jorge Arinez, “Production System Performance Identification Using Sensor Data,” Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on, Vol 48, issue 2, 255-264, 2018, doi:10.1109/TSMC.2016.2597062, 2016.
Yang Li*, Qing Chang, Jun Ni, Michael P. Brundage, “Event Based Supervisory Control for Energy Efficient Manufacturing Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol 15, issue 1, 92-103, doi: 10.1109/TASE.2016.2585679, 2016.
Jing Zou, Qing Chang*, Jorge Arinez, Yong Lei, “Opportunity Window for Energy Saving and Maintenance in Stochastic Production Systems,” ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 138, 121009, 2016.
Michael P. Brundage, Qing Chang*, Yang Li, Jorge Arinez and Guoxian Xiao, “Implementing a Real-Time, Energy-Efficient Control Methodology to Maximize Manufacturing Profit,” Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on, Volume 46, Issue 6, pp 855-866, 2016.
Leiming Zhang, Yong Lei, Qing Chang, “Intermittent Connection Fault Diagnosis for CAN Using Data Link Layer Information,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Accepted, 2016.
Michael P. Brundage, Qing Chang*, Jing Zou, Yang Li, Jorge Arinez, Guoxian Xiao, “Energy Economics in the Manufacturing Industry: A Return on Investment Strategy,” Energy, Vol 93, Pages 1426–1435, 2015.
Yang Li, Qing Chang*, Guoxian Xiao, and Jorge Arinez, “Data-driven Analysis of Downtime Impacts in Parallel Production Systems,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Volume12, Issue 4, pp 1541-1547, 2015.
Yong Lei, Haibo Xie, Yong Yuan, Qing Chang, “Fault Location for the Intermittent Connection Problems on CAN Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 62, Issue 11, pp 7203-7213, 2015.
Yang Li, Qing Chang*, Michael Brundage, Stephan Biller, Jorge Arinez and Guoxian Xiao, “Market Demand Oriented Data-Driven Modeling for Dynamic Manufacturing System Control,” Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Transactions on, Vol 45, Issue 1, pp 109-121, 2015.
Michael P. Brundage, Qing Chang*, Yang Li, Jorge Arinez and Guoxian Xiao, “Sustainable Manufacturing Performance Indictors for a Serial Production Line,” IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Volume 13, Issue 2, pp 676-687, 2014.
Yang Li, Qing Chang*, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao, “Event Based Modeling of Distributed Sensor Networks in Battery Manufacturing,” International Journal of Production Research, Vol 52, Issue 14, pp 4239-4252, 2014.
Michael P. Brundage, Qing Chang*, Yang Li, Guoxian Xiao, Jorge Arinez, “Energy Efficiency Management of an Integrated Serial Production Line and HVAC System,” IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 11, No.3, pp. 789-797, 2014.
Yang Li, Qing Chang*, Guoxiao Xiao, Stephan Biller, “Standalone Throughput Analysis on the Wave Propagation of Disturbances in Production Sub-systems,” ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 135, 051001, Issue 5, 2013.
Qing Chang*, Chaoye Pan, Guoxian Xiao, and Stephan Biller, “Integrated Modeling of Automotive Assembly Line with Material Handling,” ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 135, 011018, 2013.
Qing Chang*, Guoxian Xiao, Stephan Biller and Lin Li, “Energy Saving Opportunity Analysis of Automotive Serial Production Systems,” IEEE Transaction on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp 334-342, 2013.
Yong Wang, Lin Li, Shuhong Huang, Qing Chang, “Reliability and Covariance Estimation of Weighted k-out-of-n Multi-state Systems,” European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), 221.1, 138-147, 2012.
Jianbo Liu, Qing Chang*, Guoxian Xiao and Stephan Biller, “The Costs of Downtime Incidents in Serial Multi-Stage Manufacturing Systems,” ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 134, Issue 2, 021016, 2012.
Junfeng Wang, Qing Chang, Guoxian Xiao, Nan Wang and Shiqi Li, “Data Driven Production Modeling and Simulation of Complex Automobile General Assembly Plant”, Computers in Industry, Volume 62, Issue 7, 765-775, 2011.
Lin Li, Qing Chang, Guoxian Xiao and Saumil Ambani, “Throughput Bottleneck Prediction of Manufacturing Systems Using Time Series Analysis”, ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 133, 021015-1, 2011.
Qing Chang*, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao and J. Liu, “Transient Analysis of Downtimes and Bottleneck Dynamics in Serial Manufacturing Systems”, ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 132, Iss. 5, 051015, 2010.
Rochak Langer, Jingshan Li, Qing Chang, Stephan Biller, Ningjian Huang and Guoxian Xiao, “A Simulation Study on Bottleneck-Based Dispatching Policy for Maintenance Workforce”, International Journal of Production Research, Vol. 48, No. 6, 1745-1763, 2010.
Lin Li, Qing Chang, Jun Ni, “Data Driven Bottleneck Detection of Manufacturing Systems”, International Journal of Production Research, 47:18, 5019-5036, 2009.
Lin Li, Qing Chang, Jun Ni, “Real-time Production Improvement through Bottleneck Control”, International Journal of Production Research, 47:21, 6145-6158, 2009.
Qing Chang*, Jun Ni, Pulak Bandyopadhyay, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao, “Supervisory Factory Control Based on Real-Time Production Feedback”, ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 129, pp 653-660, 2007.
Qing Chang*, Jun Ni, Pulak Bandyopadhyay, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao, “Maintenance Staffing Management”, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 18: 351-360, 2007.
Qing Chang*, Jun Ni, Pulak Bandyopadhyay, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao, “Maintenance Opportunity Planning System”, ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 129, pp 661-668, 2007.
Qing Chang*, Jun Ni, Pulak Bandyopadhyay, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao, “Short-term System Bottleneck Analysis,” SME TP07PUB3, 2007.
Zimin Yang, Qing Chang, D. Djurdjanovic, J. Ni and J. Lee, “Maintenance Priority Assignment”, ASME Transaction, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, Vol 129, pp 435-446, 2006.
Selected Refereed Conference Proceedings (peer reviewed)
- J. Arinez, X. Ou, and Q. Chang, "Gantry Scheduling for Two-Machine One-Buffer Composite Work Cell by Reinforcement Learning," 2017 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, California, June 4-8, 2017.
- J. Arinez, J. Zou, Q. Chang, and Y. Lei, "Real-Time Resillient Control for Stochastic Production System Energy Efficiency," 2017 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, California, June 4-8, 2017.
- J. Zou, Q. Chang, Y. Lei, J. Arinez, and G. Xiao, "Modeling and Performance Identification for General Production system Using Sensor Data," 2016 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, June 27-July 01, 2016.
- X. Ou, M. Alkhadher and Q. Chang, "Experimental analysis of process parameters in composite manufacturing", 2016 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Blacksburg, Virginia, June 27-July 01, 2016
- J. Zou, Q. Chang, L. Zhang, and Y. Lei, "Data-driven Method in Detecting CAN Network Intermittent Connection Fault," 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Troyes, France, June 28-30, 2016.
- J. Zou, Q. Chang, and Y. Lei, "Production Loss Diagnosis and Prognosis Using Model-based Data-driven Method," 8th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Troyes, France, June 28-30, 2016.
- M. Brundage, Q. Chang, J. Arinez, and G. Xiao, “Reducing Costs in the Manufacturing Industry: An Energy Economic Perspective,” 2015 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 08 – 12, 2015.
- M. Brundage, Q. Chang, J. Arinez, J. Longtin, and Tao He, “Evaluating and Reducing Production Impact on HVAC Cooling Load,” Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Gothenburg, Sweden, August 24-28, 2015.
- J. Zou, Q. Chang, Y. Lei, G. Xiao, J. Arinez, “Stochastic Maintenance Opportunity Windows for Serial Productin Line,” 2015 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 08 – 12, 2015.
- Y. Li, Q. Chang, X. Jin, Jun Ni, “Markov Decision Models for Optimal Decision Making in Bottlenecks Identification and Mitigation,” 2015 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 08 – 12, 2015.
- Y. Li, Q. Chang, X. Jin, Jun Ni, “Stochastic Energy Opportunity Windows in Advanced Manufacturing Systems,” 2015 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Charlotte, North Carolina, June 08 – 12, 2015.
- X. Ou, Q. Chang, G. Xiao, and J. Arinez, “Containerization method for Logistic Cost Reduction Based on Closed-loop Supply Chain Model,” 35th Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), CIE-10 AMS: Simulation in Advanced Manufacturing, Boston, Massachusetts, August 2-5, 2015.
- Y. Li and Q. Chang, "Integrated Model of Battery Manufacturing System," 2014 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference, Detroit, Michigan, June 3-9, 2014.
- M. Brundage, Q. Chang, Y. Li, G. Xiao and J. Arinez, “Implementing Energy Opportunity Window Control to Reduce Energy Consumption per Part for a Serial production Line,” Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, August 17-22, 2014.
- X. Jin, J. Ni, S.J. Hu, G. Xiao, Q. Chang, “Threshold-type admission Policy for Remanufacturing Systems,” Proceedings of 10th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, August 17-22, 2014.
- M. Brundage, Q. Chang, D. Chen, and V. Yu, “Energy Savings Opportunities of an Integrated Facility and Production Line”, (Best Paper finalist, Top 5) Proceedings of the 2013 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering conference, Madison, WI, June 10 – 14, 2013.
- M. Brundage, Q. Chang, Y. Li, G. Xiao, J. Arinez, “Energy Efficiency Management of an Integrated Serial Production Line and HVAC System”, Proceedings of 9th IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering, Madison, WI, August 17-21, 2013.
- M. Brundage, Q. Chang, S. Wang, S. Feng, G. Xiao, J. Arinez, “Energy Savings Opportunities and Energy Efficiency Performance Indicators for a Serial Production Line,” Advances in Production Management Systems, Sustainable Production and Service Supply Chains, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Volume 414, pp. 302-309, 2013.
- X. Jin, G. Xiao, Q. Chang, S. Biller, J. Ni, J. Hu, “Performance Analysis and Optimization of Remanufacturing Systems with Stochastic Returns”, Proceedings of the 2012 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering conference, Notre Dame, Indiana, June 4 – 8, 2012.
- C. Pan, G. Xiao, Q. Chang, J. Ni, “Real Time Dispatching Control of Multi-dollies Material Handling Systems in General Assembly Line”, Proceedings of the 2012 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering conference, Notre Dame, Indiana, June 4 – 8, 2012.
- Qing Chang, Guoxian Xiao, Lin Li, Stephan Biller, “Energy Management in Manufacturing Systems”, (Best Paper finalist, Top 5) Proceedings of the 2011 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering conference, Corvallis, Oregon, June 13 – 17, 2011.
- Lingbo Lu, Yang Liu, Jingshan Li, Qing Chang, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao, “ A Real-time Maintenance Scheduling Policy in Serial Production Lines”, Proceedings of the World Congress on Intelligent and Automation (WCICA) 2011, Taipei, Taiwan, June 21 – 25, 2011.
- Qing Chang, Jianbo Liu, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao, “Transient analysis of downtime event in manufacturing systems”, Proceedings of the 2010 ASME International Manufacturing Science and Engineering conference, Erie, Pennsylvania, October 12-15, 2010.
- Junfeng Wang, Guoxian Xiao, Qing Chang, Yan Fu, Shiqi Li, “Real-Time Data-Driven Simulation of General assembly Plant with JIT Material Handling System”, Proceedings of the 2010 Industrial Engineering Research Conference , Cancun, Mexico, June 4-9, 2010.
- J. Wang, J. Yu, S. Li, G. Xiao, Q. Chang, and S. Biller, “A Data Enabled Operation-based Simulation for Automotive Assembly”, ICSC 2008, Asia Simulation Conference-7th International Conference on System Simulation and Scientific Computing, 2008.
- Jianbo Liu, Qing Chang, “Cost Modeling of Quality Loops in Manufacturing Systems”, Proceedings of 2008 IIE Annual Conference & Expo, Vancouver, Canada, May 17-21, 2008.
- Chaoye Pan, Qing Chang, “Optimization of Workforce Zoning for Dolly Material Handling”, Proceedings of 2008 IIE Annual Conference & Expo, Vancouver, Canada, May 17-21, 2008.
- Lin Li, Qing Chang, Jun Ni, Guoxian Xiao, Stephan Biller, “Bottleneck Detection of Manufacturing Systems Using Data Driven Method,” Proceedings of 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Manufacturing (ISAM 2007), Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, July 22-25 2007.
- Qing Chang, Jun Ni, Pulak Bandyopadhyay, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao, “Opportunistic Maintenance,” Proceedings of 2006 International Symposium on Flexible Automation, Osaka, Japan, July 10-12 2006, page 244-251.
- Qing Chang, Jun Ni, Pulak Bandyopadhyay, Stephan Biller, Guoxian Xiao, “Simulation-based Short-term System Bottleneck Identification,” Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Frontiers of Design and Manufacturing, Guangzhou, China, June 19-22 2006, page 203-208.
- Zimin Yang, Qing Chang, Dragan Djurdjanovic, Jun Ni, Jay Lee, “Maintenance Priority Assignment Utilizing Online Production Information,” Proceedings of 2004 JUSFA, 2004 Japan – USA Symposium on Flexible Automation, Denver, Colorado, July 19-21, 2004.
Patents & Patent Applications
- Maintenance Opportunity Planning System and Method, Patent No: US 7,212,876 B2, Date of patent: May 1, 2007
- System and Method for Providing Automatic Resets, Patent No: US 7,398,423 B2, Date of Patent: July 8, 2008
- Applying Real-time Control to a Production System, Patent No: US 7,558,638 B2, Date of Patent: Jul. 7, 2009
- Model-based Real-time Cost Allocation and Cost Flow 2008, Publication No: US 20100042455 A1, Date of Patent: Feb. 18, 2010.